There are some limitations with world cloning. School faculty now have their own uniforms.There are more goals available during free time, instead of Socialize with Anyone being the only goal.
Counsellor Interactions: There are unique interactions you can perform with the counsellor to get Moodlets and boost your mood.Costume Day: Every Wednesday is Costume Day, where students will show up wearing costumes!.Milestones: If you have Growing Together, there are custom milestones for each class for the first time, as well as for every instance of going on a field trip or having a guest speaker.The guest speaker will always be a Sim at level 10 of their career. Guest Speakers: Each day has a random chance of spawning a guest speaker who will teach the class.The goals are based on which objects are available on the lot, independant of the lot type. Field Trips: Each day has a random chance of being a field trip, where your Sims will be sent to a random lot to complete goals.Change Number of Students: You can now change the number of students the game through “Go to School Settings” on the mailbox.9th April 2023 - Major update with new features.21th April 2023 - Fixed a bug that disabled the option to follow Teen Sims to High School.23rd April 2023 - Fixed a bug where the teacher wouldn’t play their animation at the whiteboard during class.